by Sarah Read | Apr 4, 2021 | Eat, eco eating swaps, Eco-friendly eating, Reducing packaging, Sustainable living tips and advice, Think
Have you ever wondered what the most eco and ethical chocolate brand is? Probably not! Many of us eat chocolate without really thinking about where it’s come from, how it was made etc. We (or at least I certainly did) ASSUME that the big companies are being...
by Sarah Read | Dec 6, 2020 | Eat, eco eating swaps, Eco Product Reviews, healthy swaps, Nutrition advice and tips, Sustainable living tips and advice, Think
With so much fats confusion, and so many oils to choose from, which is the best choice for both our health AND for the planet?? It may surprise you!
by Sarah Read | Nov 29, 2020 | Eat, eco eating swaps, Eco Product Reviews, Reducing plastic use, Sustainable living tips and advice, Think
Clingfilm is a single use plastic which we should be trying to stop buying. Let me take you through the clingfilm alternatives. Which is best for you?
by Sarah Read | Oct 25, 2020 | Eat, eco eating swaps
Ever wondered how much your supermarket is doing to be sustainable? I’ve read the reports and done the research – come check out the scores…