by Sarah Read | Jul 15, 2023 | Eat, Eco-friendly eating, Sustainable living tips and advice, Think
What do I want from my diet? I want my food to be nourishing, earth friendly and still interesting and tasty. The regenerative diet gives me all this! Let me convince you that it’s the right diet for you too.
by Sarah Read | Apr 26, 2023 | Eat, Eco-friendly eating, Sustainable living tips and advice, Think
Regenerative agriculture is not a term many of us are familiar with. But I’ve fallen in love with it as it aims to heal our planet, our bodies and our communities, on a global scale! I’m going to give you a speedy lowdown on what regenerative agriculture is, why...
by Sarah Read | May 18, 2022 | Eat, Eco-friendly eating, Sustainable living tips and advice, Think
Kiss the Ground – a Netflix documentary about how we grow our food can reverse climate change, heal your body & ultimately save our world. No time to watch it? Check out this review and summary of the main points…
by Sarah Read | Apr 4, 2021 | Eat, eco eating swaps, Eco-friendly eating, Reducing packaging, Sustainable living tips and advice, Think
Have you ever wondered what the most eco and ethical chocolate brand is? Probably not! Many of us eat chocolate without really thinking about where it’s come from, how it was made etc. We (or at least I certainly did) ASSUME that the big companies are being...
by Sarah Read | Mar 26, 2021 | Chicken, Eat, Eat your vegetables, Recipes, Seasonal vegetables
A really delicious dish rich in flavour thanks to the chorizo, and with lots of other goodness thrown in to counter any processed meat negative vibes.
by Sarah Read | Feb 28, 2021 | Eat, Eco-friendly eating, Nutrition advice and tips, Reducing meat, Sustainable living tips and advice, Think
Cutting down on meat and dairy? Want to know how to avoid deficiencies on a plant-based diet. I’ve covered the 10 nutrients you need to think about!