The Eat Think Explore Blog

I like to blog about things like:

  • My research on eco friendly swaps you can make
  • How to make habit changes that stick
  • Simple ways to make sustainable changes to your diet and lifestyle to feel better and healthier
  • Living life to the full – you only get one!
  • Family travels and adventures
Chickpea and Quinoa Curry

Chickpea and Quinoa Curry

Packing a massive 5 veg portions, this recipe uses a few ingredients you may be less familair with so it’s a great way to get some variation. The quinoa gives it a great texture and the combination of turmeric and pepper makes it great for lowering inflammation. It makes 4 very large portions, so you’ll probably end up with some leftovers for lunch.

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Cinnamon Granola

Cinnamon Granola

Try this homemade granola rather than the shop kind as they are often pretty sugar laden. Make it in advance and then just sprinkle on your fruit and milk/yoghurt in the morning for a bit of breakfast variety.

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Hi!  I’m Sarah, a Sustainable Nutrition and Behaviour Change Coach, and I’m here to help if you’re looking to reduce your impact and eat better, but struggle to find time for either.

Did you know that shifting your food choices is a great way to achieve both AT THE SAME TIME!

Let me help you make some simple changes to move towards the Regenerative Diet – better for you AND the planet 🙂

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