Short of time but want to eat better and lower your impact?

Do both at once!

Most of us are realising that we need to do more to reduce our impact, and the state of the planet is a major cause of guilt.  We’re also always on the hunt for ways to improve our health.  But with so many things we need to change it can seem overwhelming!

Start with diet – it can have a huge impact on your health AND the planet with the same changes!

Download this guide to find 10 actions you can take to feel better AND help the planet.  Each one comes with reasons why it helps, and tells you HOW to do it.

Some simple changes can make a huge difference.

Download your FREE 10 Actionable Steps to Heal Body AND Planet guide

What will you get in this guide?


10 changes you can make that will help your health AND reduce your impact


an explanation of HOW each change is better for you AND the planet to get you motivated


Guidance on HOW you can get started with each change in a simple way