Better for you AND the planet!
Reclaim your health whilst saving the planet with just a few shifts to how you eat and think
Here you’ll find resources, courses, recipes, tips, researched articles, meal plans, swap suggestions, guidance and friendly support and coaching to help you on your journey to a healthier, greener life.
Let’s begin!

New to this? Grab my free guide ’10 Actionable Steps to Heal Body AND Planet’
I need this – take me to it!
Check out the latest post on the blog…

Turkey and Aubergine Pastitsio
This haddock kedgeree is great as an alternative breakfast or brunch to get your day started with 3 portions of veg. With some healthy omega fats, this will keep you full till lunch (or tomorrow morning, as it’s great for dinner too).
Here’s the latest news at Eat Think Explore…
13/7/23 – Website revamp
The website has had a revamp – hope you like it!
19/6/23 – I completed my camino!
I finished my 620 mile walk across the north of Spain! Spoke to loads of people about the importance of healthy soils and raised money for Regeneration International 🙂 . There’s still time to sponsor me here…
Try the recipe of the week…

Fruity Caribbean Curry
This is one of my kids favourites, a sweet curry with super soft and succulent chicken – and we adults love it too! It’s also easy to make as it’s cooked in one pot. It does take a little while, but it needs no attention whilst it’s cooking so you can get on with something else (except the rice).
Not sure where to start?
Scroll around a bit and see if something catches your interest, or click on ‘Where do I start?’ to be taken the best page for people new to Eat Think Explore…
Get the What, Why and How…

I’m Sarah, a Sustainable Nutrition and Behaviour Change Coach.
I’m on a mission to help people get started on their journey to a way of eating that is best for their health AND good for the planet. Luckily for us, what’s best for us and the planet are largely the same things!
I also like to raise awareness about the effects of chronic inflammation on the body and help people make changes to their lives (diet and lifestyle).
Why? Because not so long ago, I was struggling to function through a haze of health issues. Juggling work, kids and family life whilst being worn down constantly by poor skin (psoriasis, ezcema, dermatitis etc), a dodgy gut, low energy, asthma and allergies. Topped with mounting guilt that I wasn’t being more sustainable because I couldn’t find the time to do anything about it. The result: a massive tub of medicines, a bleak outlook on the future and depression. Perhaps you can relate?
After rejecting this as my future; I did my own resarch and diagnised an imbalanced immune system, which I improved with some fairly major diet changes (despite initially hating vegetables and being a really fussy eater!) and soem shifts to my mindset. Food became my medicine, which when you get a little more into the science of it all (which I did being a total science geek), makes a whole lot of sense.
I LOVE the food I eat now – it’s far from bland, I don’t count calories, I don’t go hungry and I do eat ‘bad’ (let’s call them less healthy…) foods sometimes. And the great thing is that eating this way is more eco-friendly, so my eco-guilt has dropped too.
So now I help people get from where I was, to where I am now, and share my sustainability research. If you need my help in finding your way to eco-friendly eating get in touch today 🙂
Everything I do here at EAT THINK EXPLORE is based around:
♦ scientifically proven facts (or personal experience)
♦ supporting you to make long term changes with a focus on mindset changes through behaviour change coaching
♦ making sustainable choices for our planet (i.e. a focus on eating more locally sourced, reduced packaging and plant based foods)
♦ enjoying ourselves along the way – life is for living!
EAT THINK EXPLORE is your route to better health and preserving our beautiful natural world.
What’s with the name?
It encompasses the things I’m passionate about; food, exploring and the world. Let’s take a deeper look at each…
SecMeaning: to consume food – pretty obvious that one! But also, to begin with enthusiasm, and to take small bites of, which sums up my approach here. Massive change is hard, but break it down into small chunks and find your motivation and you can achieve it.
My two main focuses in nutrition are:
1) healing through diet, particularly resolving chronic inflammation as it’s the root cause of so many conditions (poor skin, gut issues, lack of energy, stubborn weight, pain and chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer). I used to have many of them, so I know first hand that diet can help. Feed your body the vitamins and minerals it needs, move it around a bit and reduce inflammatory agents and it will thank you!
2) learning to eat in a way that is also better for the planet we live on. Reducing the impact of the foods we eat in terms of their source and packaging.
The services offered here at EAT THINK EXPLORE focus around diet and lifestyle assessment and creating a tailored plan for you, which includes behaviour change support and education so you can make these changes stick this time.

Meaning: to have concern about something (our health and the environment), to have a belief in something (ourselves) and to consider the possibility of new things, especially foods and adventures.
Here I’m all about thinking about the world we live in and what better choices we can make to protect it. The focus here is on making better choices that are better for our health and the planet. All of my nutritional advice will be given with advice on how you can make simple changes to lower your impact. We’re at the stage now where if we don’t all start to make some better choices, the world as we know it will end, and the next version isn’t likely to be as people friendly…

Meaning: to engage in a journey for the purposes of discovery, to engage in self discovery, to look for/seek, to investigate in a systematic manner, and to make a trip or visit.
My journey to health started by exploring different ways to treat my various conditions, leading me to the one big issue in my life – inflammation, and really looking at what we wanted from life (to make less impact and see the world).
As a family we are always exploring different ways to reduce our impact. Not all of them work out, but you’ve got to keep trying new things until you find one that works for you.
We’re also all about adventures, big and small. From trying new foods (beetles in Cambodia!), a weekend walk, to setting off for a year around the world. We want to inspire and empower you to live a little and Say Yes More.
Since we started living our lives by this motto the changes have been massive and I can’t believe where we’ve come in four years (it all sounds a bit cliche we know and we’re not ones for the gushy stuff, but it’s really true!).
What will you find on the blog?
Here at EAT THINK EXPLORE you’ll find recipes, information and tips (backed by scientific research or personal experience) in my blogs on the things that I’m passionate about; healthy foods, maximising nutrients, making more sustainable decisions, reducing inflammation and exploring this wonderful world!
Check out some of my most recent posts below:
Turkey and Aubergine Pastitsio
This haddock kedgeree is great as an alternative breakfast or brunch to get your day started with 3 portions of veg. With some healthy omega fats, this will keep you full till lunch (or tomorrow morning, as it’s great for dinner too).
Easy Red Lentil and Bacon Soup
This haddock kedgeree is great as an alternative breakfast or brunch to get your day started with 3 portions of veg. With some healthy omega fats, this will keep you full till lunch (or tomorrow morning, as it’s great for dinner too).
Smoked Haddock Kedgeree
This haddock kedgeree is great as an alternative breakfast or brunch to get your day started with 3 portions of veg. With some healthy omega fats, this will keep you full till lunch (or tomorrow morning, as it’s great for dinner too).
How to get started with meal planning
Wondering how to get started with meal planning? Read on to find out what you need to think about when you are starting to meal plan if you want it to be easy and work!
Middle Eastern Runner Beans with Wild Rice
Great for using up a runner bean glut, this one went down well with the family who loved the mix of the gently spiced beans, the slightly nutty wild rice and the yoghurt. We will certainly be cooking this again!
Unlocking the Power of a Varied Diet: 6 Compelling Reasons Why
Do you find yourself eating the same foods over again? It’s not good for you or the planet. Learn why eating a varied diet is so important and how to do it!